Diamond Platinumz\’s girlfriend Zari sued over paternity of their newborn daughter

By sde.co.ke 08/17/2015

\”In a new twist,King Lawrence, the cousin to Zari Hassan’s ex hubby has now moved to court to pursue paternity rights of Zari’s baby girl, Tiffany.

According to a letter filed by Ugandan law firm, Web Advocates and Solicitors, Lawrence has expressed his concern over what he says is “Zari’s unilateral decision to give paternity of baby Tiffany to Nasibi Abdul Juma alias Diamond Platinumz “, a move he is totally opposed to.

He claims that Diamond’s girlfriend- Zari has denied him a chance to see baby Tiffany, when in fact,“…..there is a real possibility that the child could be his(Ivan\’s).” …\”

Read the entire article: http://www.sde.co.ke/m/?articleID=2000173058&story_title=diamond-s-girlfriend-zari-sued-over-paternity-of-their-newborn-daughter