Dr. Torri J. Evans-Barton, Advisory Board

A transplant from Kalamazoo, Michigan, Dr. Torri J. Evans-Barton currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia where she is the Founder & CEO of The Fatherless Generation Foundation.
Growing up in a single parent household, Torri faced many adversities adding tremendous devastation to her life emphasizing the fact she needed her father.
In 2003, Dr. Torri J. Evans-Barton decided to follow her heart to restore her family, which meant going in search of the father she had never known. At the end of her search she found her father along with eleven brothers and sisters and seventy-six nieces and nephews. This created an incredible burden within Dr. Torri J. Evans-Barton.
This burden burning on the inside of Dr. Torri J. Evans-Barton caused her to realize there were others who are growing up fatherless just like her who desire reconciliation with their absent father. Her desire has now turned into a full time mission of “healing the broken places the fatherless experience has created” through her nonprofit, The Fatherless Generation Foundation Inc. Launched in 2009, TFGF is a non-profit organization based in Atlanta, Georgia reuniting fathers and their children by providing the resources and services that strengthen, support, and elevate the commitment to fatherhood and family values. Their services include Husband & Wife Team Mentor Teams, Peer Groups hosted in The Boys & Girls Clubs of America in 26 cities, Tutoring, but at the helm of the organization is Commitment to Fatherhood Program; the mediation process taking place reuniting biological fathers back into the lives of their children!
Since TFGF’s conception they have assisted almost 20,000 children through their Peer Groups, mentored 103 fatherless children, and reunited 285 fathers with 453 children who are no longer fatherless!
Dr. Torri J. Evans-Barton is a Certified Mediator, a licensed and ordained minister who possesses a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Michigan and a M.S. in Bio- Chemistry/ Cell-Development from Emory University. She recently received an Honorary Doctorate from CICA University & Seminary in Philosophy. Dr. Torri J. Evans-Barton is currently working on a MA of Government with an emphasis in Pre-Law and Foreign Relations from Regent University.