Sergeant Brandon Parsons, Advisory Board

A Superior Court of California judge ruled that Sergeant Parsons, a combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, must pay child support for a child that ISN’T his—he will spend over $250,000 before his legal obligation ends (when the child turns 18).
After completing his first combat deployment in the Spring of 2005—of which he spent the majority of time fighting in Ramadi, Iraq—Sergeant Parsons, then a twenty-year old corporal, returned to Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton and immediately began a sexual relationship with his then-fiancé, Crystal.
Seventeen days later, Crystal announced to Brandon that she was pregnant. Brandon, without questioning any aspects of her statement or the legitimacy of his biological paternity because he trusted her and wanted to take responsibility for his child, decided to bump up their scheduled nuptials. He spent the majority of his money (an estimated $20,000)—of which most came from his recent deployment—on her dream wedding.
What both Brandon and the court now know is that Crystal Parsons had been engaged in numerous sexual affairs while he was on deployment and, consequently, the child that Brandon raised—under the assumption he was legitimately the father—was indeed that of another man. (Crystal refuses to name the true identity of the biological father to this day). Moreover, it was both alleged by Parsons and believed by the court that Crystal chose to sleep with then-Corporal Parsons purely to cover up her previous sexual encounters and pin the pregnancy on him, therefore having access to his military benefits.
Despite all that has happened, Brandon still proudly serves this great country, has faced and met adversity, and has overcome opposition almost costing him his career. He has spent several sleepless nights praying for hope, undergoing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment, and constant turmoil from his ex-wife. Brandon still somehow finds the good in people, continues to be optimistic, and carries on his days with a smile on his face.
Brandon states, “…A real warrior has the ability to overcome any battle no matter the fight. My case has proven two things in my opinion. 1.) The Marine Corps does a superb job making emotionally, mentally, and physically strong fighting men to defend this nation regardless of their personal circumstances and 2.) Judge Pollock makes it very clear that there needs to be a change in existing law and my case being the pinnacle reason.
My journey has helped me meet some great people and I support WAPF in their attempt to bring public awareness to this issue, seek reform, and bring justice to paternity fraud victims and the children who are unaware of who their biological fathers are. …”