Sharna Timmer, Advisory Board

Sharna joined our Advisory Board after more than two years of supporting a friend to uncover a heinous case of misattribute of paternity and paternity fraud (after the passing of his late son). His case was highlighted on A Current Affair in a segment called, Man Shocked to find out he’s not the father of his son”. Sharna has been on an emotional roller coaster ride from the beginning and has seen first hand the devastating effects paternity fraud has on not only the father; but also the extended damage caused to grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, etc.
A passing comment one night is all it took to power Sharna into action. For her to unlock the answers they were searching for — so she could finally seek justice for not only her friend but other victims all across Australia too. In her quest for answers, Sharna has come up against the appalling legal system and on many occasions has experienced the inequity between women’s and men’s rights. This has only made her more determined to fight for the little boy who was denied the opportunity to ever know his biological father and his family medical history. Sharna, being a healthcare professional, believes that giving children the opportunity to know their accurate family medical history is important and in the best interest of children.
Sharna has become an advocate and spokeswoman on these issues and has connected with many other victims and families affected by this misconduct across Australia. A midwife and mum by day, Sharna is in a unique position within the healthcare profession to drive DNA testing at birth and to advocate the importance of children having their accurate family medical history. She is very passionate about men’s rights and giving the children of Australia a voice. She believes that “…If children did not need both sides of their family, it would not take two people to make a child …”