Whitney Niccoli, Advisory Board

Whitney joined the Advisory Board of Women Against Paternity Fraud, after her husband discovered that he, like many other men, had been lied to about the paternity of his child from a previous marriage. Watching the devastation this issue has created has ignited Whitney’s interest in examining the laws and policies surrounding this issue to help prevent others from having to endure what their family has gone through. Whitney’s opinion piece, “Protect Future Victims of Paternity Fraud” was recently published in the Sauk Valley News.
Whitney is a stay-at-home mother. She was once a single mother, and so she feels that she has a clear perspective of both sides (as the payor and payee) of child support and paternity establishment. Whitney has been active in spreading public awareness on the lack of justice within the court system regarding paternity fraud. She has also been sending letters, emails, and making calls to her local legislators and government officials in an attempt to spark their interest in making changes within the current broken and unjust system. Whitney is working on a new bill to present to local legislators that would make establishing paternity mandatory before any court order for child support is implemented.