Why we might have to pick up the tab for deadbeat parents under new Abbott Government trial

By perthnow.com.au 08/09/2015

\”TAXPAYERS face picking up the tab for deadbeat parents who are refusing to pay their child support.

The Abbott Government is considering running a “guaranteed child support payment” trial, which would pay in full, or meet the shortfall, of money owed by parents.

A whopping $1.4 billion is owed in child support across the country – raising questions to whether the system is working and whether it is failing families. …\”

Read the entire article: http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/national/why-we-might-have-to-pick-up-the-tab-for-deadbeat-dads-under-new-abbott-government-trial/story-fnii5v6y-1227476487155