Blog Posts
How to Eliminate Paternity Fraud: Key Changes for a Just System
By Dianna Thompson Paternity establishment is essential. Children deserve the opportunity to know and form secure, loving relationships with their fathers and extended family
Paternity Fraud Hurts Kids and Dads—Tennessee is Leading the Way to Make it a Crime
By Laurie A. Couture. Paternity fraud harms children, biological fathers, and unmarried men who are deceptively extorted for money to pay child support for
New Florida Law Puts National Focus on Unwed Dads
By Laurie A. Couture. A July 2023 law change in Florida has brought national attention to the state of rights for unmarried fathers in the
A Father’s Love Protects a Child’s DNA
By Laurie A. Couture. A father’s love is a quiet, smiling, head-nodding sense of pride; it is ever-present and strong. Children long for the strength,