
A Father’s Love Protects a Child’s DNA

Dianna ThompsonDianna Thompson is a nationally recognized expert on families, stepfamilies, and divorce-related issues. Dianna is an authority on domestic policy as it pertains to men, women, and children. A longtime political analyst, lobbyist, and spokesperson, Dianna has testified all over the country on legislation that affects families and served as the Chairman of the …

A Father’s Love Protects a Child’s DNA Read More »

Fact Check: No law requires DNA testing to establish paternity in United States

By Reuters, 09/13/2023 \”…There is no state or federal law that requires DNA testing to establish paternity in the United States, despite online posts that claim various states have implemented new laws mandating that fathers submit a DNA test before signing a birth certificate…\” Read the entire article: https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/no-law-requires-dna-testing-establish-paternity-united-states-2023-09-13/ info

New study shows how DNA tests revealing non-biological fathers can trigger mental health challenges

By PsyPost, 05/04/2023\”…A new study published in Psychiatry Research investigated the consequences of discovering that your biological father was not whom you believed to be your father through direct-to-consumer DNA kits. The findings suggest that those who discover a misattributed paternity are more likely to report more symptoms of anxiety, depression, and panic…\”Read the entire …

New study shows how DNA tests revealing non-biological fathers can trigger mental health challenges Read More »

Husband on wife: \”After 8 years, I found out I\’m not our son\’s dad; do I divorce?\”

By Amy Christie, 02/27/2023\”…Can you still love your child even if it turns out you\’re not actually related to them, or would you give up your whole family if something came out that would make you doubt everything you thought you had at home?…\”Read the entire article: https://original.newsbreak.com/@amy-christie-562164/2939943186299-husband-on-wife-after-8-years-i-found-out-i-m-not-our-son-s-dad-do-i-divorce  info

Did Tennessee pass a new paternity bill? What to know

By Tennessean, 09/12/2023 \”…The bill proposed that an unmarried man would be required to take a DNA test proving paternity before he could sign the voluntary acknowledgement of paternity and have his name on the birth certificate…\” Read the entire article: https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2023/09/12/tennessee-house-bill-2698-paternity-parentage-law-dna-testing-child-birth/70830681007/ info