Letter Writing Campaign
All of us concerned with paternity fraud should be in regular contact with our policymakers both at the state and federal levels, no matter what party they belong to. WAPF is gravely concerned that the laws and policies on paternity fraud are harmful to men, women, and children.
Men have to pay child support for children they did not father (and in many cases have not even met) at the expense of their own biological children. Children do not have access to their medical information, heritage, inheritance rights, and medical insurance, etc.
Paternity fraud should be a concern of all Americans. We believe in due process rights and are against false accusations, and we need to unite & together to educate and inform. Policymakers are very interested to hear from their constituents, especially as various bills are proposed for consideration.
Sometimes it can feel intimidating to write to your elected officials so we have two different templates that you can use, or you can compose your own personal letters. Please feel free to use whichever parts of these letters you wish.
Please CC WAPF at director@womenagainstpaternityfraud.org on the letters you write so that we can keep updated on Advocacy Efforts being made.
General Letter to State Representatives